NEWS on MENA Platforms: December 2024
What does the News landscape on MENA streaming platforms really look like?
What does the News landscape on MENA streaming platforms really look like?
I’ve identified 83 unique news channels across 9 local MENA platforms. Below, I’m sharing their language distribution:
Several platforms feature Saudi-based channels, especially on Switch TV, Jawwy TV, and Shahid (Al Arabiya, Al Hadath, Asharq News, AlSaudia, SSC News, etc.)
Switch TV has the most diverse selection, offering channels from Saudi Arabia, France (France 24), UAE (Al Ekhbariya, Al Ghad TV, Al Mashhad, etc.), Russia (RT Arabic, Russia Today), UK (BBC World News, GB News, etc.), USA (Bloomberg Television, CNN, CNBC, etc.), and more, making it the most internationally focused platform.
Al Jazeera 360 exclusively feature Qatari channels (Aljazeera channels).
Most platforms prioritize Arabic-language channels, with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, and Egypt as key content providers, while international channels have a more limited presence.
Regional platforms focus on local news sources, with Roya TV featuring Jordanian channels and 51 Kuwait offering only a Kuwaiti news channel, highlighting their country-specific strategies.
I also analyzed the number of channels per platform, their business models and their origin to provide you with exclusive insights ↓
NEWS in MENA: A Special Report on News Streaming
A Data-Driven Guide to News streaming in MENA. Access the special report below ↓