Hey streamers 👋
Welcome to the 54th edition of The Streaming Lab. Thanks for reading me.

A big thank you to my sponsor of the week: KWIKmotion, the complete online video suite by White Peaks Solutions
I am thrilled to share that Maraya, Sharjah Broadcasting Authority’s OTT platform developed by White Peaks Solutions, was showcased during the Apple WWDC 2023 Keynote. A recognition that solidifies White Peaks Solutions and MENA streaming services as industry pioneers.
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This week’s program
What are the most viewed TV series on Netflix in Saudi Arabia?
The TV series at the Top
The countries of origin
The most watched genres & original languages
The TV Series at the Top
67 TV series reached Netflix Top 10 in Saudi Arabia this year. Here are the 10 shows that stayed at the top for the longest period of time:
True Beauty (South Korea) - 13 weeks in the top 10 in 2023
The Glory - Season 1 (South Korea) - 12 weeks in the Top 10
Mr. Queen (South Korea) - 9 weeks in the Top 10
Crash Course in Romance - Season 1 (South Korea) - 7 weeks in the Top 10
Ginny & Georgia - Season 2 (US) - 7 weeks in the Top 10
The Night Agent - Season 1 (US) - 7 weeks in the Top 10
You - Season 4 (US) - 6 weeks in the Top 10
The Last Kingdom - Season 5 (UK) - 6 weeks in the Top 10
Wednesday - Season 1 (US) - 6 weeks in the Top 10
Kaleidoscope - Limited Series (US) - 5 weeks in the Top 10
Let’s go deeper in the analysis and look at the countries of origin ↓
The countries of origin
The column chart below will give you the countries of origin of the Top 10 TV series on Netflix Saudi Arabia in 2023:
My insights:
American shows still represent almost 40% of the total number of TV series that reached Netflix Top 10 in Saudi Arabia this year.
22% of the most watched TV series come from Asia, including South Korea (17%), Japan (4%) and Taiwan (1%).
Only 5 TV shows from MENA made it to the Top 10 in 2023: Who Were We Running From and Shahmaran from Turkey, Maktoub Aalia from Egypt, Masameer County from Saudi Arabia and The Exchange from Kuwait.
Let’s now have a look at the genres & original languages ↓
The most watched genres & original languages
The donuts below will give you the genres & original audio languages of the Top TV series on Netflix Saudi Arabia in 2023:
My insights:
Action, Crime, Comedy and Adventure represent more than half of the total genres coming from the most watched TV series in Saudi Arabia.
Horror, History, Game-Show, Family and Biography are still underrepresented genres on Netflix in this country.
Animation is an important genre in Saudi Arabia, thanks to the success of locally produced content (Masameer County) and the growing interest for Japanese Anime.
My insights:
The 67 TV series that reached Netflix Top 10 in Saudi Arabia this year are available in 12 audio original languages: English, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, French, Japanese, Turkish, German, Italian, Mandarin, Norwegian and Portuguese.
The Top 4 Korean shows have all Arabic subtitles (But no dubbing).
Only 3 TV series that made it to the Top 10 this year are available in Arabic original audio: Maktoub Aalia, Masameer County and The Exchange.
That’s all for today, the most watched TV Series on Netflix in Saudi Arabia this year.
See you online next Monday. Until then, enjoy Masameer County on Netflix. Offering a humorous view of a changing Saudi, this show chronicles the rip-roaring shenanigans and adventures of Masameer County’s quirkiest residents.
I think this ranking of series in KSA could use some context. For example the percentage of Saudi TV households which subscribe to Netflix. And among those Netflix subscribers, what is the number of hours spent watching series on Netflix vs other non-Netflix sources like MBC1 and a dozen other TV channels focused on delivering dramas to Saudi homes. Because without that context people may assume that these Netflix series are genuinely popular in Saudi. And that is quite wrong.
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